Written by Ingemar Anderson with the help of GPT-3, an artificial intelligence model.
As America has increasingly been dominated by a growing oligarchy, people are becoming more and more concerned. From the Koch brothers to the Walton family, these two families own more wealth than the bottom 40% of Americans combined.
The concept of oligarchy in America is rising because of the rapid increase in wealth inequality. The top 1% of Americans who hold 40% of the nation's wealth are incapable of governing democratically. The general population might feel that the people in the top 1% are only interested in serving themselves and their families, not the rest of society. They seem to look out for their own interests, and not for the interests of the people. This group might merely be seeking to perpetuate their own power and advantage. Inequality is growing and the rich are in fact getting richer while the middle class shrinks. The rich have an economic interest in reducing the power of the government to regulate them while using their wealth to elect politicians who are in their favor. The richest Americans have gained a lot of power in the past 40 years, and have used that power to change laws and policies to benefit themselves. They are able to use their wealth and power to influence the government to work for them.
One might ask, "why is this happening?"
1. Are Citizens too lazy to do anything about it?
2. The government is too broke to do anything about it?
3. Citizens have become increasingly apathetic?
4. Citizens are too busy with their phones to even care?
5. Poor working conditions in the U.S?
6. Citizens don't have the proper education to fight back?
7. Citizens are afraid of being labeled as a "socialist" or "communist?"
8. Citizens don't care about politics because they are too busy watching TV and playing video games?
9. Citizens lack the ability to fight back due to poor working conditions?
10. Citizens are too distracted to fight back due to poor working conditions?
In the past few decades, it is estimated that the share of the top one percent in America's national income has quadrupled. This phenomenon is especially concentrated in the U.S. political system. The Washington Post describes this situation as a "status quo defined by the rich" while The Atlantic calls it a "super-rich status quo." How are these dynamics affecting the world of politics?
How an oligarchy can be avoided in America?
Every schoolchild knows that the system of government in the United States is a democracy; however, many might not know that there are different types of democracies. The two key differences between a democracy and an oligarchy are the number of people with voting power and the process of electing a government. The United States is a representative democracy, in which citizens vote for a government that then makes the decisions on behalf of the people. In oligarchies, not everyone has voting power and the decision-making process is primarily through a small group of people.
Another key component of oligarchies is the unequal distribution of wealth that favors one group of people. In a representative democracy, the government is not allowed to favor any one group of people, so the distribution of wealth will be more evenly spread. In an oligarchy, citizens are barred from voting based on their wealth and the only people with voting power are the wealthy.
The United States has been a democracy for more than 200 years, and throughout that time there have been efforts to create an oligarchy. What has prevented this from happening, is the Constitution, which protects voting rights. Even though the Constitution is a strong and powerful document that has helped to maintain a democracy, it can still be changed. The only way to avoid an oligarchy is to keep the Constitution intact and continue to vote in a representative democracy.
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